A flower

Creating a Persistent SSH Tunnel as a SystemD User Service


I use ownCloud to sync binary files between the various computers I use. It's basically like Google Drive or OneDrive, but hosted on your own hardware. Which is great, because the last thing I want is for Google or Microsoft to get their hands on my meme collection!

But there's a problem with setting up ownCloud: getting HTTPS running is really annoying. I'm sure if I spent enough time on it I could get it to work, but that's more trouble than I'd like to deal with.

So as an alternative, I'd like to just use plain HTTP to connect to the service. But since that would be a bad idea over the Internet, we need some other solution to secure the connection. Enter: the SSH tunnel

SSH Tunnels

I already have secure access to my server setup for SSH which only allows key-based login. And with a simple ssh command I can use an SSH connection to reach any other port on the server, like this:

ssh -NTC -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes \
    -L 8080:localhost:8080 <my_server>

As a disclaimer, I totally snagged this command from a Google search, but I don't remember where.

Let's go through each option in that command since we seem to be doing quite a bit:

Don't execute any remote commands. We're just interested in the tunnel itself.
Disable PTY. We're not running any commands and we don't plan to run this interactively so it's not needed anyways.
Use compression on the link. We're transferring a lot of data over the Internet with this tunnel, so this seems prudent to save bandwidth.
-o ServerAliveInterval=60
Send a keep-alive message every 60 seconds if no other data has been sent. This will help make sure any firewall sessions don't expire. You might have to tweak the value depending on how aggressive your firewall is.
-o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes
This will cause the ssh process to die if it can't establish the connection. This is preferable since we're going to run this with SystemD and the exit will communicate to SystemD that something went wrong.
-L 8080:localhost:8080
This is the option that's doing most of the work! It sets up a port-forward such that port 8080 on the current machine will map to port 8080 on the remote machine. For more details about the syntax of this option, check out the man page for ssh.

Once the tunnel is up I just connect ownCloud to http://localhost:8080 and everything works great!

SystemD User Service

Pretty much any modern Linux system is using SystemD. This has led to a great deal of complaining.

One neat feature of SystemD is that it supports defining services for an individual user. These services can be automatically started when the user logs in, which makes it the perfect tool to automatically start the SSH tunnel!

We just need to write a .service file and drop it in ~/.config/systemd/user/. Mine looks like this:

Description=ownCloud SSH tunnel

ExecStart=/usr/bin/ssh -NTC -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ExitO...


I won't get into the details about what everything in this file does. But there are a few items to take specific note of:

My SSH key files are generally locked with a passphrase, so this makes sure that the tunnel can be opened once I login and unlock the key. I'll be honest, I don't like this very much since it's hard-coded to UID 1000. There's probably a cleaner way to do it.
This is how you make sure the service gets started up automatically when you login.

Now that we have a service file, we could use typical systemctl commands to get it up and running. We just have to be sure to pass --user to make sure it's operating on the user-specific services instead of the global ones. But using systemctl to install the service is pretty manual, so I don't like to use it.

Automating It

There's no place quite like home, so I maintain a set of Ansible scripts to keep all the machines I use configured in the same way.

Here's an Ansible blob that will enable and start our new SystemD user service:

- name: Enable owncloud tunnel service
    state: started
    enabled: yes
    scope: user
    daemon_reload: yes
    name: owncloud-tunnel


This method of securing access to ownCloud is pretty convenient. It lets me just open a single hole in my home firewall for SSH, which definitely seems more secure. And it's way easier than setting up HTTPS.

There are some downsides to this approach though. By locking the ownCloud frontend behind SSH, I can't really connect to it on my phone unless I'm at home. I don't use ownCloud on my phone that much anyways, so this isn't a deal breaker for me.