A flower


Pink Game Boy start screen

j2gbc is a Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator. https://github.com/JennToo/j2gbc

My motivation for writing it was twofold.

First, I wanted to try out Rust on a full-sized project. I had used it on a few toy projects before but I wanted to try something of a larger scope to see how the language plays out at a larger scale (spoiler alert: Rust is pretty good at this!).

My other motivation was to find a side project that I would actually make decent progress on. And as it turns out, writing an emulator for an old game system like the Game Boy is perfect for this! There's always something I can tinker on, even for 15 minutes, and see real forward progress on the overall project. This helps maintain momentum, even on the "hard parts" of the project.

The Game Boy (and really most game consoles from before the N64 / PS1 period) are fun systems to work with, since the mental model for the entire system can fit into one developer's head. If you want to, you can know in exact detail how pretty much any part of the system functions! Which is a far cry from today's computing platforms.


These screenshots were produced with legally obtained ROMs! I actually have the cartridges for them, and a little $30 peripheral that can dump those cartridges into usable ROMs.

In my not-legally-trained opinion, reproducing these screenshots to demonstrate the functionality of this emulator falls under fair use. The presence of these screenshots does not represent any endorsement or even permission from the respective copyright holders.

Warioland 3 title screen

Warioland 3 was my favorite Game Boy game growing up, so getting it running was a big milestone for the project.

Warioland 3 gameplay

Since I played this game so much before, I used Warioland 3 to gauge how well the audio was working. A few instruments are still buggy though 😔

Link's Awakening DX title screen

I used this ROM (starting with the non-DX DMG version) during the early implementation of the emulator. The intro cutscene is especially good for making sure your graphics system is working correctly, since it uses a lot of tricks to function.

Link's Awakening DX gameplay

Another reason Link's Awakening is a good early target is that it does everything "correctly". It doesn't have any buggy memory accesses, at least in normal gameplay. This made it possible to use harsher memory access constraints to detect improper emulation earlier.

Functionality Overview


  • Things mostly work here, both DMG and CGB. I stumble onto visual glitches every once in a while but they're usually easy to fix.
  • The biggest missing piece for graphics is that the timing of certain "video states" isn't emulated cycle-accurately. Because this timing can vary with the number of sprites visible on a specific scanline, it can be a little tough to emulate this properly.


  • This is mostly functional, but it still has a lot of glitches.
  • I think I need to fundamentally re-think the audio stack to fix several of the timing issues.
  • I've never worked with computer audio before this project so this part was definitely a big learning experience!

System (CPU and peripherals):

  • CPU instructions are all implemented and function correctly. There's a great set of test ROMs developed by the GB community that help verify this.
  • Cycle accuracy is lacking on a variety of things. E.g. DMAs are all essentially instant right now, which is definitely inaccurate.
  • The link cable and IR system (CGB only) are not implemented, but this would be really cool for the future! I'd like to get it running over the internet so you could play multiplayer games remotely.


  • This is very much a work-in-progress. Right now you can get disassembly around the current PC, and do single steps. Breakpoints are supported by the CPU core but I need to hook them back up to the GUI.
  • There is a built-in MMU-like process in the CPU core. This will trigger a breakpoint when a ROM does something fishy (like e.g. jumping into the ROM header, or reading from a memory-mapped register that is write-only). There's a table with exceptions for known bugs in ROMs (e.g. Tetris does a lot of bad things).
  • That MMU protection was very useful early on when diagnosing CPU bugs that would cause the program execution to spiral out of control. It would also be useful for developing new ROMs.

Lessons Learned

Having a project with quick positive feedback makes it much more appealing to work on that project

Write real automated tests, even when you're just doing something for fun! This was honestly the biggest mistake I made in this project. I was essentially manually testing things while I was writing the original core system. Which means I've also seen all the possible horribly corrupted variations of the intro to Link's Awakening 😂 But now I have a pretty big backlog of technical debt for the project.